7 Simple Ways to Be a More Eco-Conscious Traveler
Utilize Eco-Conscious Forms of Transportation
Once you arrive, the form of transportation you use can also make a big difference. Whenever you can, choose more sustainable ways of getting around, such as biking or walking instead of renting a car.
It’s also a great way to squeeze exercise into your vacation and to see sights you normally wouldn’t from behind the wheel. Depending on what you are looking for, you can use biking as a means for getting from one place to another, or you can even go on specific cycling tours.
If walking or biking isn’t an option due to the distance, taking the train or bus is a much better way to get around, environmentally speaking, than driving yourself.
Buy Local
Just as you should at home, try to buy local whenever you can. This includes purchasing locally made souvenirs, rather than shopping at stores where just about everything is made in China, unless you’re in China, of course!
But it’s not just souvenirs; try to buy in-season foods and dine at restaurants focused on serving dishes using more local ingredients, too.
It not only adds to the overall experience, but you’ll help conserve valuable resources by not purchasing items that had to be transported from hundreds of miles away.
There are a few simple travel habits you can establish while you are traveling long term that will help you make your journey go a lot more smoothly.
Respect Fragile Landscapes
Most eco-conscious travelers would never even think about leaving trash or marking up sights, but there is more to respecting fragile landscapes like a rainforest, tundra or wetlands than you think.
If you plan to camp, be sure to use designated sites if they exist, and always stay on the trail in order to do your part to maintain the beauty of the area for future visitors.
Heed warnings and other information on signs posted. They’re there for a reason and apply to everyone.
A big one is not using drones in national parks. Many people feel it’s not a big deal to break this rule; but if everyone does so, it will certainly have a negative impact on the wildlife in the area.