18 Productive Things to Do During a Flight Delay to Keep Boredom at Bay
7. Catch up on Your Journal
Keeping a journal is something most travelers aspire to, but few actually do. Take the time you are waiting at the airport to catch up on documenting your travels, recording your thoughts, impressions and the details of your trip for your future self to look back on one day.
Instead of rushing through recording your experiences, take the time to improve your travel writing and really capture the essence of your travels. Your future self will thank you for it.
8. Shop for Souvenirs
If you left all your shopping until the last minute and then couldn’t find any souvenirs you liked, this is a good chance to take your time browsing through the souvenir shops, picking up a few bits and pieces to take home with you.
No one needs to know that their gifts were bought last-minute at the airport.
The best travel stroller depends on your needs! We go over some of the top products depending on what type of travel you do and how many kids you have.
9. Read a Book
If you don’t have a book with you, buy one: there are always book stores in airports. Disconnect from all of the screens and technology around you and go on a paper journey.
Since you can’t be off having adventures at present, escape into a travel novel that will whisk you away on an adventure of another sort.