Bring the Mythic to Life
People’s Republic of China
As mythical as the dragon, China takes the best of the past, present and future and blends it into a diverse and ever-changing society. The clash of influences and eras scattered throughout the country, such as the old world European design of shops along the Bund facing the ultra modern Oriental Pearl Tower in revived Shanghai, never ceases to amaze even the most jaded traveler. These attractions are just a few of the impressive spectacles, but to truly Travel Asia you must visit the far East.
- Art Gallery in Gobi
- Chengu, China – Gateway to Itself
- China’s Newly Tamed Yangtze
- The Many Faces of China
One of the most politically disputed regions in Asia, Tibet offers plenty of opportunities to glimpse Buddhism, culture and beaming smiles – once the altitude sickness wears off. Known as “Top of the World,” Tibet is famous for the Dalai Lama, stunning vistas of Mt. Everest and its incredible white and ochre citadel, The Potala, in Lhasa.
- Seven Days in Tibet
- Tibet – A Lost Shangri-La in China?
Hong Kong
World famous for its shopping, nightlife and uber-modern architecture, Hong Kong treads a fine line between western influence and communist China. Experience the muffled hustle and bustle, the multitude of tastes and people in the street, as well as the respect for tradition you wouldn’t expect from a city of nearly seven million.
- Hong Kong – City of Life
- New Hong Kong Airport aims …
- New Hong Kong Airport Compared to…
- Stopover in Hong Kong
From the tranquil temples and gardens of Kyoto to the pure energy of Tokyo, Japan runs in a league all its own. Steeped in tradition as ancient as Mt. Fuji, from sumo wrestling to the naked man festival to ultra-modern technological advances, Japan balances the Zen of its history and religion with a rambunctious urge to reinvent the universe.
- Getting a Yen for Kyoto’s Cultural Grandeur
- History and Charm in Nagasaki
- Japan’s Kii Peninsula
- Kyoto, Japan’s Cultural Heart
- Nara, Japan’s Little City
- Sensoji, Tokyo
One of the world’s last wide-open frontiers, Mongolia conjures up images of untamed deserts and nomadic peoples drifting over the Gobi Desert. While this may still ring true in many parts outside the larger urban areas, travelers to Ulaanbaatar can easily find some modern comforts to make the trip seem less like stepping back in time.
- Yakking Away in Mongolia
The most haunted places in America are great locations to learn some fascinating history and maybe even have a paranormal experience of your own.
South Korea
The hermit kingdom is also a nature lover’s delight. All over this tiny country, filled with magnificent historic and natural sites, mountains spring up perfect for skiing, hiking and bathing in the thermal spring waters. Many come for the natural attractions, but don’t neglect the shopping and cultural excursions.
- Discovering Other Korea – Tourism Important
- Discovering the Other Korea – All 4 Seasons
- Discovering the Other Korea – Spring & Summer
- Discovering the Unique Culture of Jeju
- Korea-Land of Morning Calm
- Seoul, Korea – Cultural Diversity