The Ultimate Guide to Exploring the Bay Area

San Francisco is a bustling city full of skyscrapers and business people.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
The Ultimate Guide to Exploring the Bay Area
Elizabeth Orient / May 6, 2021
Elizabeth Orient is a San Diego-based travel journalist and editor. Both pursuits allow her to express her passion for wanderlust, erasable pens, and the Oxford comma. Elizabeth caught the “travel bug” early on in life and enjoys writing about unique destinations. Her favorite experiences involve meeting new people and learning about different cultures. Elizabeth’s work has been featured in a variety of publications and on her blog (<a href=""The Traveling Editor). In her spare time, she binge watches cooking/design shows, volunteers at a horse ranch, or cuddles with her feline assistant, Sputnik.
There are tons of things to do in the Bay area. From pubs to museums, there's something for everyone to explore.
Elizabeth Orient / May 6, 2021
Elizabeth Orient is a San Diego-based travel journalist and editor. Both pursuits allow her to express her passion for wanderlust, erasable pens, and the Oxford comma. Elizabeth caught the “travel bug” early on in life and enjoys writing about unique destinations. Her favorite experiences involve meeting new people and learning about different cultures. Elizabeth’s work has been featured in a variety of publications and on her blog (<a href=""The Traveling Editor). In her spare time, she binge watches cooking/design shows, volunteers at a horse ranch, or cuddles with her feline assistant, Sputnik.