5 Invaluable Lessons You'll Learn from Traveling Alone
Solo Travel Is Never Lonely
Solo travel can be as social as you like. If you are staying in a hostel with other travelers, you’ll naturally find opportunities to strike up conversations and make new friends.
In fact, I find you are more social when you are a solo traveler, as when you travel with a partner you end up talking to them more often than to strangers.
I arrived in Quito, Ecuador by myself and within the first 24 hours I was cooking arepas and dancing the night away with a couple of truly awesome Colombian backpackers. On the day I arrived in Amsterdam, a Dutch girl let me perch on the back of her bike and she gave me a cycling tour of the city.
Everywhere I have gone, there have been wonderful and friendly people who have treated me with warmth and kindness.
Be friendly, smile and start conversations — the experiences with friends you meet along the way will be some of the greatest pleasures of solo travel.
So your young adult is going backpacking alone for the first time. While this might fill you with worry, here are some things you should know.
You’re More Capable Than You Think
If you are nervous about solo travel, that’s okay. I was too — but as soon as I realized what I was capable of it was the most empowering experience of my life.
I strongly encourage you to travel on your own and see what you learn from the journey.