foods to avoid in portugal - cod fish

Dine Wisely: 10 Portuguese Delicacies to Avoid

Making the Right Culinary Choices

Portugal is known for its delicious food, but there are some dishes and ingredients that might not be good for everyone. Whether you have allergies, dietary restrictions or just want to stay healthy, here are ten foods to consider avoiding when you’re in Portugal.

10 Foods to Avoid in Portugal

1. Bacalhau (Cod Fish)

Bacalhau is a famous Portuguese dish made from salt-cured cod. While many people enjoy it, if you have high blood pressure or are watching your sodium intake, it’s best to limit your consumption. The salt can be too much for some people.

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2. Chouriço (Smoked Sausage)

Chouriço is a spicy smoked sausage often served grilled or in stews. It is high in fat and sodium. If you’re watching your heart health or trying to reduce cholesterol, it’s a good idea to skip this dish.

3. Francesinha

Francesinha is a hearty sandwich filled with meats, cheese and a spicy sauce. While it may look delicious, it’s very heavy and high in calories. If you’re trying to eat lighter, consider avoiding this dish.

4. Pastéis de Nata

These famous custard tarts are sweet and creamy. However, they are high in sugar and fat. If you’re watching your sugar intake or have diabetes, it’s better to enjoy these in moderation or skip them altogether.

5. Sardinhas (Sardines)

Sardines are often grilled and served with bread. While they are healthy in small amounts, they can be high in mercury. Pregnant women and young children should limit their intake of sardines and other fish high in mercury.

6. Caldo Verde

Caldo Verde is a traditional soup made with potatoes, greens and chouriço. While it’s comforting, the sausage adds a lot of fat and sodium. If you’re looking for a healthier soup, you might want to skip this one.

7. Prego no Pão

Prego no Pão is a sandwich filled with marinated beef. It’s tasty but can be high in saturated fat. If you’re trying to eat healthier, it’s wise to avoid this dish or choose a smaller portion.

8. Alheira

Alheira is a type of sausage made with meat and bread. It can be very rich and high in calories. If you’re trying to watch your weight, it’s better to avoid it or share a dish with someone.

9. Bifana

Bifana is a pork sandwich served with mustard and spices. While delicious, it is often fried and high in fat. If you’re watching your fat intake, it might be best to skip this dish.

10. Queijo da Serra

This soft cheese is rich and creamy but also very high in fat and calories. If you’re trying to cut back on dairy or fat, it’s a good idea to avoid it or limit your portion size.

Navigating Portugal’s Foods

Portugal offers many delicious dishes, but it’s important to be mindful of what you eat. Whether you have specific dietary needs or just want to stay healthy, avoiding these ten foods can help you enjoy your trip without any issues. Always listen to your body and choose what feels best for you while exploring the wonderful flavors of Portugal!

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