aerial view of the great barrier reef
Iconic, beautiful, wondrous and dying. Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, the largest reef system in the world and one of the most bio-diverse spots on the entire planet, is in hot water.
Photo Credit: iStockPhoto / tugodi

10 Unparalleled Places to Visit Before They Disappear Forever

The Great Barrier Reef

Iconic, beautiful, wondrous and dying. Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, the largest reef system in the world and one of the most bio-diverse spots on the entire planet, is in hot water.

After 7,000 years in existence, rising ocean temperatures, human activity and water pollution are finally irreparably eroding the reef. Coral-bleaching is now widespread throughout the once-vibrant living structure, the most visible symptom of the poor health of the Great Barrier.

The environmental challenges faced by this gigantic underwater world could see it erased forever within a matter of decades.

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